NCA Phase 3 Re-opening Plans
Alberta is now in Stage 3 of the Open for Summer Plan. All public health measures have been lifted except in specific settings.

Dear NCA Calgary Family!
Greetings and welcome to July 2021 / the Phase 3 re-opening of Alberta. As you know, per Govt of Alberta / AHS directives for Phase 3 re-opening, all indoor covid19 restrictions are now lifted. This is after a year and half of Covid19 pandemic. Please see below for information and guidance as we resume in-person gathering in NCA:
1) We are grateful to Jesus Christ for keeping EVERYONE in NCA Calgary and our loved ones! We are grateful for the mercies of God upon NCA and our families, we thank God for preserving our lives indeed.
2) We want to thank ALL the volunteers / workers in the church that have continued to serve in various capacities during this pandemic and by whose services, the church has been able to continue to serve the congregation and community at large. May the Lord Jesus remember your labour of love and bless ALL that have been serving throughout the pandemic. We love you and appreciate you!
We also thank all the members of NCA that have supported the church in all the many ways too numerous to count. You showing up online, engaging and participating has been a blessing to us all. God bless you and we truly love you!
3) With the lifting of all Covid19 restrictions in the Phase 3 re-opening, we are glad and excited to have everyone back again worshipping God in-person, in church, in physical fellowship as we used to do. We can't wait to see everyone including the new members that have joined the church within the past one and half years of Covid19 and the returning members that have been in NCA before Covid19 pandemic started.
NCA Phase 3 Staged Re-opening Plan (July 2021 Version)
4) NCA Calgary as a church will be having a staged re-opening plan in order to ensure a proper, orderly, well-coordinated and safe resumption of all our in-person services/functions as return to in-person worship gatherings again. We will provide a monthly outlook plan until we have fully re-activated ALL our in-person services / functions as a church.
5) For the Month of July 2021 .... Summarized below is our staged NCA re-opening plan from Friday July 2, 2021:
a) No more online registration via website is required to attend our regular church services (Fridays and Sundays) in the main auditorium. You can walk in as we used to do before. Of course first come, first served per in-person space availability etc.
b) For the whole month of July, there will be no in-person youth church services. Youth church classes will continue on-line for the month of July.
However, youth can come to church for any of the church services though, BUT such youth will be seated with their parents & the youth is still required to participate in the online youth classes on Sunday afternoons at 1pm.
c) For the next couple of weeks or so in this month of July, there will be no in-person children church services. The children church classes will still be via online video with links sent out every week to all parents.
However, parents may come to church with their children for any of the services, Friday or Sunday BUT such children will be seated with their parents in the main sanctuary.
We anticipate the children's church in-person services resuming before end of July 2021 and everyone will be notified.
When children's church in-person services resume, we will phase it out as well and start with ages 6 - 9 initially. Those less than 6 will be with their parents when they come to church.
After the children church is satisfied with re-integrating ages 6 - 9 children, then those children less than 6 years old will then have their own services re-activated again in-person. We will announce this in church so everyone will be duly informed.
If anything changes in this plan, we will communicate ASAP to the whole church.
NOTE: When the children's church and Youth church resume in-person services, we will require the online registration of the children / youth before they show up in church, similar to what we have been doing during this pandemic in order to ensure a smoother check-in of the children / Youth. However, there will be no slots restrictions just name and contact of child / youth you coming to church with is what is required when you register online.
6) For now, ALL our Sunday services will be a single combined service from 9am - 11:30am (for first Sundays in the month - Thanksgiving Sundays will extend till 12noon). Friday service time remains 7pm - 8:30pm.
Ongoing Practices
7) We strongly encourage everyone that is eligible to get vaccinated! This makes everyone safer. As you come into the church, we will continue the following:
a) Take temperatures of all coming into the church.
Note: You are not to come to church if you feel ill, kindly stay home and watch the service online if you are not feeling well.
b) All our giving / donations will be done "touchless and electronically" like we have been doing in the past one and a half years now.
Via text / online / Interac / NCA App
c) Offer you facemasks to use. (Note: For now, facemask still required by Calgary city bylaw till July 5)
d) Offer you hand sanitizers.
e) Regular cleaning of the church facilities and high touch areas will continue.
f) 6 feet seating restrictions removed but you have to stick with the seat assigned to you when you come for in-person service.
Once again, we thank God for His mercies over us as a church (NCA)! Thank you for all your support & effort even in the midst of a horrible pandemic. May the Lord reward you and yours abundantly, amen.
God bless you and see you in-person in church!
Kind regards,
Pastor Kola.