September 30, 2024
- Read Luke 5:1-11
God’s desire is for us to walk in dominion. However, the question is how do we actualize this dominion in our lives? The process begins with discernment, followed by obedience, and a commitment to stay connected with Jesus.
Let’s delve into these steps through the lens of Scripture.
Discernment: Hearing God Specifically
In Luke 5:1,4, Jesus spoke to the multitude and then gave a specific instruction to Peter. The ability to discern when God is speaking to us personally, as opposed to His general message to everyone, is crucial. God communicates generally to all, but He also gives specific instructions to individuals. While the multitude heard Jesus preach, Peter received a distinct directive to cast his net again.
Luke 1:44 - When Mary greeted Elizabeth, the baby in Elizabeth's womb leapt. This demonstrates that when God's word is for you, there is a deep, unmistakable connection. When you hear a word that speaks directly to your situation, it resonates deeply within you, often bringing a sense of assurance and clarity. The key to walking in dominion is discerning the specific word God has for you. This discernment allows you to receive guidance tailored to your unique situation.
God’s desire is for us to walk in dominion.
Obedience: Trust and Act on God’s Word
Despite his initial failure in Luke 5:4-6, Peter obeyed Jesus’ instruction to cast his net again, resulting in a miraculous catch. Once you discern God’s specific word for you, the next step is to obey. Trust in God’s wisdom, even if His instructions don’t make immediate sense. Often, fear of failure can hinder obedience. Peter’s initial reluctance was overcome by his trust in Jesus’ word, leading to success.
Connection: Staying Committed to Jesus
After the miracle, as recounted in Luke 5:8-11, Peter recognized his sinfulness and felt unworthy. Yet, Jesus reassured him and called him to a higher purpose. Walking in dominion requires a continual connection with Jesus. You must recognize that Jesus knows your flaws but still calls you to follow Him and walk in His power. Make a conscious decision to stay with Jesus, knowing that this relationship is the foundation of your dominion.
Walking in dominion is a journey that involves hearing God’s specific word, acting on it in faith, and maintaining a close relationship with Jesus. By discerning His voice, obeying His instructions, and staying committed to Him, we can overcome challenges and fulfill our divine purpose.
Song of Worship
The Lion and The Lamb
Song by Big Daddy Weave
Prayer - Lord Jesus, help me to discern Your specific instructions for my life. Grant me the courage to trust and obey, overcoming any fear of failure. Strengthen my commitment to stay connected with You, knowing that in You, I have dominion. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.