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Always Helped by God

August 4, 2024

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth". Genesis 1: 28 (KJV)   

We all need help from God. This is our reality. This is how we have been created. The first help Man was given by God was being created in his Image in the first place, and then being blessed by Him.  

God helped Man again by causing him to fall asleep, and then giving him a helper.  This was before sin, and before man became “imperfect”. If man needed God’s help even in his perfection, how much more do we need His help now?  

Even after the fall of man, we still see God’s help – by making clothes for them to cover  their nakedness; by slotting in help even through his judgment when he stated that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent; by driving them out of the garden of Eden so that they wouldn’t eat the forbidden fruit anymore and have to live in their sinful state.  

God is the only true source of help. He can use people to help us, but He is the Source.

There are so many instances from the beginning of the Bible to the end, where we see God’s help. Sometimes we do not recognise that we are being helped by God. If we think back to particularly hard times in our lives, we will find periods where we were surviving only by God’s help. He carried us through. Deuteronomy 1:31 says that through the wilderness, God carried (the Israelites) as a Father carries his child. 

God sees us and hears us even when we think He doesn’t. He feels it when we suffer, and He personally rescues us (Isaiah 63:9)  We must realise that God is the only true source of help. He can use people to help us, but He is the Source. When we receive help from people, and we thank them, let us remember to thank God as well.  

As we go about our day today, let us make a conscious effort to recognise God’s help even in the mundane. Did you find a free parking spot where you would usually have to pay? Was traffic lighter today than usual, so you were on time for work? Did your bus arrive right on time, so you didn’t have to wait too long in the cold? Did your colleague bring you a cup of coffee when you were cold? Did your doctor prescribe you a medication that helped sort you out when you were ill? Remember to be grateful to God, who foresaw that you needed help, and sent you the help sometimes even without you asking.  

Song of Worship  

I need thee, Oh I need thee,

Every hour I need thee,

Oh bless me now my Savior,

I come to thee –

Annie Sherwood Hawks.  

Prayer - Dear God, thank you for all the help you have provided to me and for me thus far. Thank you for helping me realise how much I need your help today and all the days of my life. Help me to always recognise Your help when I receive it. Never let me be arrogant enough to think I am self-made and can do it all myself – this I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.  

Bible in 1 year: Psalms 68-69


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