November 28, 2024
" And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them."
- Exodus 25:8 KJV
The Tabernacle of Moses symbolizes God’s desire to dwell among His people. God used the Tabernacle as a clear protocol, or guide, for approaching Him. In Exodus 25:8, God commanded Moses to construct a sanctuary according to the pattern He had shown him. This pattern is not outdated; rather, it serves as a template for the spiritual process we still follow today as we draw near to God.
Like the Tabernacle, entering God’s presence begins with a heart of gratitude. Psalm 100:4 says, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” Thanksgiving is the starting point because it aligns our hearts with God's goodness. The primary basis for gratitude is understanding that it is God’s love that grants us the privilege to approach Him. By thanking Him, we acknowledge who He is and what He has done. Gratitude shifts our focus from ourselves and our circumstances to God's faithfulness.
Thanksgiving, praise, and the acknowledgment of Jesus' sacrifice are essential for drawing near to God.
After entering the gates of the Tabernacle, the next step is the brazen altar, where sacrifices were made to atone for the sins of the people. For us, this points to Jesus, the ultimate Passover Lamb, through whose blood we receive forgiveness of sins. When Isaiah encountered God, he was compelled to recognize his unworthiness and the need for cleansing – Isaiah 6:5-7. Before we proceed deeper into God's presence, we must acknowledge that it is the sacrifice of Jesus that makes us worthy to stand in His courts.
Recognizing that we can approach God because He graciously gave Jesus as a sacrificial Lamb should ignite a channel of gratitude within us and give us the confidence to draw nearer to Him. When we consider all that God has done to help us connect with Him, we can affirm that it is He who draws us to Him.
Today, begin your approach to God with thanksgiving. Let it open the gates to His presence, and as you come before Him, remember that it is by the blood of Jesus that you are invited into the holy place. Thanksgiving, praise, and the acknowledgment of Jesus' sacrifice are essential for drawing near to God.
Song of Worship
I will enter His gate with thanksgiving in my heart
I will enter His court with praise
I will say this is the day that the Lord has made
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
Prayer - Lord, thank You for giving us Jesus. Thank You for giving us a pathway into your presence. Thank You for giving us a template to approach You. Thank You.