May 19, 2024
I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.
I Corinthians 9:27
In an earlier devotional, we examined what fasting is and how to fast with the right intentions. And yesterday we looked into the power and virtue of sacrificial living.
Today, we begin the first of two devotionals where we will explore the benefits of fasting and what it does to our body, soul, and spirit. Today, we will look into some of the benefits on the body and soul. And tomorrow, we will explore benefits to the spirit.
One of the things that fasting achieves in our bodies is to bring it under control. When you are truly fasting, your physical energy is likely going to be limited due to a reduced intake of food. This usually means that you have to divert the little energy you away from things that would not add value to your life. Psalm 109:24 describes the physical condition of our body in the fasting state. In that state, you are deliberate in what you engage in, depriving yourself of those easily besetting sins. Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:27 describes it in this way- but I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.
The key thing here is discipline of the body. The body, if not tamed, would always want to rule and express itself in lust, sin, and worldly pleasures even in the life of the anointed. Remember, Esau lost his birthright because his body wanted food, and he could not discern. Samson went down with the Philistines because of his inability to subdue his body’s desire for pleasure. It is your responsibility to subject your body to a higher mandate of discipline by fasting.
The body, if not tamed, would always want to rule and express itself in lust, sin, and worldly pleasures even in the life of the anointed.
Secondly, fasting humbles the soul and helps you to submit your will to God. As you continue a fast, you can be set free of the power of self, and you find it easier to say- ‘Lord, let your will be done’. Your pride, that anger, the addiction, that bitterness, all come from the soul. And fasting deals with your soul to rid it of anything that does not bring glory to God.
In Ezra 8:21, a fast was proclaimed when it was time to build the wall and the temple even though there was already a blueprint in place. This teaches us that even when we have it all figured out in our minds, which is an aspect of our souls, embarking on a fast and asking for the will of God to be established is a wise spiritual choice.
So, we see now that while engaged in a fast, there are many benefits that can be gained if we are conscious of it and open to engaging. Declare a fast or continue fasting today to begin to reap these benefits in your own life. May The Lord strengthen you and cause His grace to abound to you in Jesus Name.
Song of Worship
I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice to worship you,
Oh, my soul rejoice,
Take joy, my king, in what you hear,
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear.
Song by Petra
Prayer - Lord, may the practice of fasting become a spiritual discipline that deepens our communion with You and transforms us from the inside out. As we go forth, may Your Spirit continue to stir within us a hunger for righteousness and a thirst for Your presence.
Bible in 1 year: 1 Chronicles 11-12; John 6