May 20, 2024
I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.
I Corinthians 9:27
Yesterday’s devotional opened our eyes to some of the benefits of fasting on the body and soul. Today we will look at some ways fasting affects our spirits positively.
Firstly, because fasting weakens the body, it has a strengthening effect on our spirits. Fasting liberates the spirit, and makes you produce a spiritual aroma. As a form of bodily sacrifice, fasting activates the word in Romans 12:1 that encourages us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice. Again in 2 Corinthians 2:15-16, we are being described as a fragrance of Christ. In deep fasting, this fragrance can chase away death and every unwanted thing around you. In the same manner, that same fragrance could give life to whatever needs to come alive in your life.
Another effect of fasting on the spirit is that fasting activates our spiritual senses. Fasting rends your heart according to Joel 2:12-13, projecting you on the path to repentance. Looking at our anchor scripture for today in Acts 13:2a, when you fast, your spiritual ears become more sensitive to hear what The Spirit of God is saying to you. In fact, what might be the missing link in you receiving inspiration from God on an important matter might be the re-awakening of your spiritual senses through a concentrated fast unto The Lord. In that period of fasting and praying, you receive direction about what to do.
...when you fast, your spiritual ears become more sensitive to hear what The Spirit of God is saying to you.
In like manner, fasting impacts your vision. You are able to see into the realms of the spirit such as what Peter experienced in Acts 10:10. This could come in the form of visions, dreams or sharp spiritual perception. This form of seeing is deeper than your physical sight and can not only instruct you, but also reveal great mysteries that impart a huge advantage to you in life.
Your fasting is not in vain. God has not asked you to seek Him in vain (Isaiah 45:19). May you reap the rewards of fasting upon every facet of your life—body, soul and spirit, in Jesus name.
Song of Worship
Lovely Lord, You are all to me
Lovely Lord, full of purity
Worthy of honour, and majesty,
Lord how lovely You are to me
Lovely Lord. Song by Petra
Prayer - Lord, I know that when I fast, I seek You. And according to Your word, I do not seek You in vain. May the benefits to my spirit accumulate in my life as I fast. And may I be elevated in the spirit to manifest power, and be pleasing to You in Jesus name. Amen.
Bible in 1 year: 1 Chronicles 13-15; John 7