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Carrying a Blessing Consciousness

July 22, 2024

For what you had before I came was little, and it has increased to a great amount; the Lord has blessed you since my coming. And now, when shall I also provide for my own house?” 

Genesis 30:30 

In previous devotionals in this series, we learnt that blessings are real. They are tangible assets that determine the course and experiences of a person’s life. We also learned that to be blessed, really is to have God’s name placed on you so that you begin to manifest His nature.  

Today we will see the importance of recognizing this truth, not just as a “nice idea” but as a consciousness that you carry. It should be part of your identity and your internal vision of yourself.   

You need to start seeing yourself as different, as blessed, and as a carrier of blessing. You can’t afford to expect the same ordinary outcomes as other people who are not believers. Your mere presence in a place should affect the place positively.  

However, this is not automatic—it comes from you intentionally nurturing and reinforcing the reality of your blessing in your heart, mind and soul. In other words, you need to intentionally carry the Blessing Consciousness. 

In our main text we see Jacob declaring boldly to Laban his employer that Laban’s enterprise has grown because he (Jacob) was a part of it. In more modern times, this still holds true. Your office, your employer, your company, your business, anything you are involved in should enjoy the blessing you carry.  

It doesn’t matter if your external circumstances contradict this now—the blessing is in you and is at work. With the consciousness of a blessing from his father Isaac, Jacob left his father’s house with nothing, but a stick and he went on to become a great nation! The blessing was at work in his life, as it can be in yours. 

Your assignment after you have heard and received a blessing from God is remind yourself of it repeatedly, invoke the blessing in the circumstances you face—especially the ones that seem to challenge that blessing. Beat your chest and declare those blessings again.  

Don’t make the all-too-common mistake of letting it slip out of your mind and memory the minute you leave the site of the blessing. Jacob received the blessing in a few minutes from his father Isaac, but he manifested it all his life. He could not have done that if he had despised it or let it slip away.  

Perhaps it is time for you to revisit the blessings you have received in the past. It is time to reawaken them in your consciousness. It is time to begin to walk in the confidence of their truth. It is time to adopt a Blessing Consciousness.  

Song of Worship  

I know who I am

Song by Sinach

Prayer -  Heavenly Father, thank You for the tangible blessings You have placed upon me. Help me to always remember and embrace my identity as a carrier of Your blessing. Strengthen my heart, mind, and soul to maintain a Blessing Consciousness, confidently invoking Your blessings in every situation. May my life be a testament to Your goodness and favor. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Bible in 1 year: Psalms 33-34; Acts 24


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