September 20, 2024
"Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods?
Who is like You, glorious in holiness,
Fearful in praises, doing wonders."
- Exodus 15: 11 (NKJV)
Praise is one of the ways God has made for you and I to deepen and enrich our fellowship with Him. Through praise, we demonstrate our approval and adoration of God for who He is, what He has done and continues to do in our lives. So powerful is the act of praise that when we do it properly, it is capable of provoking God to perform wonders in our lives. Exodus 15:11 prescribes the approach to praise God in such manner.
When we praise God, we praise Him for His holiness. God’s holiness is incomparable. It is the one feature that distinguishes Him from any other being. 1 Samuel 2:2 “There is none holy like the Lord: for there is none besides you”. God Himself asks in Isaiah 40:25 “To whom then will you liken Me, Or to whom shall I be equal?” says the Holy One”. The beautiful thing about praising God for His holiness is that He enthrones Himself in the praises of His people according to Psalm 22:3 “But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel”.
Praise God for His holiness, for His wonders, and with reverence.
When we praise God, we praise Him fearfully. Fearful in this context does not refer to being dreadfully afraid while praising God. On the contrary, it refers to being in awe and reverence of God. The type of fear that was shown by the Israelites in Exodus 14:31 “And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant”. There is no want for those who fear the Lord according to Psalm 34:9.
When we praise God, we praise Him for His wonders. Psalm 150:2 instructs “Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!”. Parting the Red Sea for the Israelites to walk on dry ground (Exodus 14:21), holding the waters as walls on either side while the Israelites passed through (Exodus 14:22), incapacitating the chariots of the Egyptians when they attempted to pursue the Israelites (Exodus 14:25) and drowning the Egyptians thereafter (Exodus 14:28) were no ordinary feats.
They were made possible by a God of wonder! This was why Moses and the Israelites broke into praise in Exodus 15:1-19. When we praise God in this manner…praising Him in the beauty of His holiness, with reverential fear, extolling His great and awesome deeds, we will breakthrough and break forth.
Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord! (Psalms 150:6)
Song of Worship
Who is like unto Thee? O Lord – 2x
Among the gods, who is like Thee?
(You are) glorious in holiness,
And Fearful in praises,
Shape(Always) doing wonders…Hallelujah
Prayer - Dear Lord, I praise you for Your holiness, I praise You fearfully, I praise You for Your mighty works in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.