September 23, 2024
“ Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.’’
- Matthew 7:7 KJV
The world is looking for answers. When a new discovery is made, it is a response to something that had beclouded men in mystery. Answers are responses to a question or a set of questions. The literal dictionary meaning of an answer is something spoken or written in reaction especially to a question.
We get answers to life’s puzzles by being in the presence of God, and through His word. As you worship and bask in the aura of His glory, be intentional, ask questions about what makes your heart heavy. As simple as this exercise is, it is surprising that many come into His presence casually, unprepared, and expect answers to fall on their hands. Our God is a King and if you are conversant with the behavior of kings, they are not talkative, often only speaking when obliged.
Another reason why most believers are stuck and confused is because they do not ask the right questions. Hence, either they do not get answers at all or do not get the right answers to the issues of life. It is okay to ask questions in His presence. In Luke 1:34 NKJV, Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” She had just received a word from an angel about something naturally impossible. Mary was not just standing there confused or doubting. She believed that the word would come to pass and then asked further questions. And she received the ‘how’ right there—it was as if the angel was just waiting for her to ask.
Be intentional in asking questions in the presence of God. It is at this stage that most people drop the ball.
It is at this stage that most people drop the ball. If God gave you a word, only He knows the strategy to make that word come to pass. Many believers tend to ‘figure it out’ after receiving a word or a prophecy. Remember, if God gave the word, only God can fulfill it.
"So, David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” 1 Samuel 30:8 NKJV
In the above text, David had just lost his family and his belongings to invaders. You would have expected his instinct would be, to pursue. Yet, he did not rely on his understanding, neither did he use logic to approach the situation. At the same time, he didn’t argue with God or get offended by asking the wrong questions- “where was God when the invaders came?”, didn’t God already know? Rather, he came to God asking the right questions with an open mind, Shall I pursue this troop?
You may have tried several things, done a lot of permutation in your mind, used your natural senses to respond to spiritual matters. It is time to ask specific questions from God.
The next time you study God’s word, or set aside a time to pray, ask specific questions—ask why that endeavor is not working, why that person is in your life, or why that behaviour lingers in the life of your loved one.
A response could come right there (like the case of Mary, Luke 1:35), shortly after (like the case of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1-2), even in a dream (like the case of Daniel in Daniel 2) or through His servants (like the case of Hezekiah in 2 Kings 19, 20).
As you navigate this day, be sensitive to receive answers and see burdens lifted and mysteries demystified.
Song of Worship
Yeshua ahh ah ah, ahh ah ah
Yeshua ahh ah ah, ahh ah ah
Song Yeshua by Jesus Image
Prayer - Lord, open our hearts to hear Your voice, whether it comes through your Word, dreams, prophets, or the quiet whispers of Your Spirit. Strengthen our faith and grant us the wisdom to recognize Your guidance in our lives. Amen