July 19, 2024
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
- Genesis 1:28
The most luxuriously finished and meticulously engineered car can’t run without fuel. Even though it has the features, parts and beauty, it will remain stagnant, sitting in the parking lot or a garage if there is no fuel in the tank. Or if it has low-quality or sub-par fuel, it may run, but it will run below its potential.
Similarly, a man can’t run without a blessing.
Blessing is the fuel God designed for man to run on. Even though man is made in the excellent image of God—full-featured, engineered and beautiful—without God’s blessing in operation, man will be like a luxurious car with an empty tank. That person’s life will not express its full potential.
In today’s main text above, we read God’s pronouncement of blessing on man. In this verse lies the scope of God’s blessing. It outlines the dimensions in which a Christian is supposed to operate on the earth. One of these is fruitfulness.
In its simple form, to be fruitful means to bear fruit. We say a tree is fruitful when it produces edible fruits and flowers. A fruitful Christian is a productive Christian. One of the ways this productivity shows up is in their work. In Genesis 24:35, we see the connection between being blessed by God and being productive and prosperous.
The Lord has blessed my master greatly, and he has become great; and He has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, male and female servants, and camels and donkeys. (Genesis 24:35)
In that verse, Abraham’s servant was testifying about God’s blessing in his master’s life, and he uses the evidence of fruitfulness to prove the blessing. Likewise, for us, one evidence of blessing in our lives as Christians is fruitfulness and productivity. When others see us, they should be able to testify of God’s blessing in our lives due to the fruitfulness and productivity they witness.
Remember that God’s blessing does not work in a vacuum. The Blessing operates through work. The Blessing must land on something for it to find expression. The problem is not what you are doing—your job or your business. The question is are you running on Blessing?
God can elevate any work with a blessing. A person with a plain job or business running on God’s blessing can overtake and outrun a person with a socially enviable office.
Lay hold on God’s blessing in your life today—invoke the manifestation of fruitfulness promised to you in God’s word. Do not look down on your job or your business—see it through the lens of God’s blessing and it will start to produce fruit running on the fuel of blessing.
Song of Worship
We will never settle for less
Song by Khaya Mthethwa and The Uprising
Prayer - I declare God’s blessing over the work of my hands today. According to the word of God in Genesis 1:28, I am indeed fruitful. I multiply indeed! I am prosperous and blessed! This is God’s will for me, and I lay hold on it today! From now, I begin to manifest this reality. In Jesus Name. Amen
Bible in 1 year: Psalms 26-28; Acts 22