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God's Vision Statement

December 9, 2024

"Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”   

 - Genesis 1: 26 (NLT)

There are three important elements to consider when creating a vision statement – Purpose, Value and Legacy. While purpose defines what you will do; value will guide you on the journey, and then legacy shapes how you want to be remembered.


The key to discovering purpose is understanding what God’s purpose is for our life. We are sent here with an assignment to complete, which is why we are here. It is often said that only the manufacturer knows the purpose for which a thing was designed or created. This is why you often find a manual that includes instructions written by the manufacturer on how to get the best use of their product. God made us. 

If we ignore the Bible, we will never understand our purpose. You were created by God for a purpose and with a purpose. If you ever wonder what your assignment on earth is, read Genesis 1:26 – Your purpose is to rule and have dominion, and that is why you have been placed on this earth. Regardless of what you may be going through, God’s purpose for your life will prevail and not fail – Jeremiah 29:11.  

God’s vision statement is a call to live above the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary every day.

As Children of God, we are called to lead by example and create value at every opportunity. God has blessed you with unique talents and resources to serve the body of Christ – Matthew 5:14-16. We are made in the image and likeness of God and should live in the way that reflects Christ. When we start to see ourselves as made in God’s image, we begin to realize that we are created to live with purpose and that our value does not come from the validation of the world but through the finished work of Christ. Knowing that we are called to live for His glory should cause us to live and act differently – 1 Corinthians 10:31. 

Legacy is about living a life that leaves a lasting impact – a life that matters and leaves a mark. Legacy is simply doing that which will outlast us. In Matthew 5:16 (TPT), Jesus speaking to the disciples said, “So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that your commendable works will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.” 

Back to our anchor scripture in Genesis 1:26, the legacy we have been commanded to leave behind is one where we have dominion over all creation. This is the legacy entrusted to us as stewards. How we exercise it will determine the kind of influence we have. Our daily actions must create a positive impact on others. 

God’s vision statement is a call to live above the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary every day. It reminds us to lead with purpose, and most importantly add value to our families, workplaces, churches and even communities thereby leaving a legacy. 

Song of Worship  

The only thing I want in life 

Is to be known for loving Christ 

 To build His church, to love His bride 

 And make His name known far and wide 

Song : The Cause of Christ by Kari Jobe


Prayer - We embrace God’s vision for our lives and rely on The Holy Spirit empower us to exercise dominion in every area of our lives, in Jesus Mighty Name we pray. So, it is, and so shall it be in Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen


Bible in 1 year: Hosea 1-4; Revelation 1   

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