December 12, 2024
“I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge, and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.”
- John 5:30 (NKJV)
As believers, we are constantly faced with life’s challenges—whether in our relationships, careers, health, or spiritual journeys. In those moments of difficulty, the most important question we can ask ourselves is: What is God saying? This question should shape our decisions and give us the direction we need to overcome any obstacle. However, how do we consistently hear God's voice? How do we ensure that our steps are in alignment with His will?
The answer lies in the posture of our hearts. Jesus shows us the key in John 5:30 when He says, "I seek not my own will but the will of Him who sent me." To hear from God clearly, we must surrender our will to His. When we approach God with our agenda, simply wanting His opinion as one option among many, we risk not hearing Him at all. When we seek Him with a heart fully surrendered to His authority—ready to follow His instructions—God’s voice becomes clear.
In our spiritual walk, there is a critical intersection between communion with God and hearing His voice. This place is the altar – the sacred space where we engage with God through prayer, worship, and devotion. It is at the altar that we align ourselves with His heart and His purpose. Taking our altar time seriously is crucial because it is where transformation happens, and where we sharpen our spiritual senses to hear, see, and discern God’s will.
What is God saying?
Just as we have physical senses to engage with the world around us, we also have spiritual senses to connect with the supernatural. Hearing God's voice often begins with a sound – a word from the Scripture, a prompting in our spirit, or a prophetic declaration. Sound in the spirit realm often precedes sight, as faith comes by hearing – Romans 10:1. This is why it is essential to be spiritually alert, always ready to hear what God is saying before we seek to see His work manifest.
Hearing from God is not a one-time event but a lifelong journey of learning to recognize His voice. Like Jesus, if we seek God's will and not our own, we can be confident that we will hear His voice and that His direction will be just and true. Keep seeking, keep listening, and remain obedient, and you will hear God consistently.
In whatever situation, whether it is a personal challenge, a career decision, or a health crisis, remember to ask: What is God saying? And then, wait patiently at the altar, with a heart willing to obey, because God's word will never fail.
Song of Worship
I get on my knees, I get on my knees
There I am before the love that changes me
See I don't know how, but there's power
In the blue skies, in the midnight
When I'm on my knees
Song On my Knees by Jaci Velasquez
Prayer - Heavenly Father, As I spend time in Your presence, may I be transformed and empowered to walk in the path You have set before me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.