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Living in the Light

January 26, 2025

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” 

- John 1: 4 (NKJV) 


What does it mean to shine? The concept of shining is closely tied to light. According to the dictionary, to shine involves either emitting or reflecting light. Spiritually, both aspects—emission and reflection—carry a profound meaning for us as followers of Christ. 


Emitting light means generating and dispersing it, much like the sun does in our solar system. We, as believers, are called to be sources of light in a dark world. Christ, the ultimate light generator, lives within us, making it possible for us to shine. The Bible says, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). This presence of Jesus enables us to illuminate our surroundings with His truth, love, and glory. 


While the sun generates its light, the moon and planets reflect the light of the sun. Spiritually, we reflect God’s light when His glory shines upon us. Isaiah 60:1 reminds us that our ability to shine comes from the glory of the Lord rising upon us. Similarly, Psalm 36:9 declares, “In Your light, we see light.” Being recipients of God’s light, we become mirrors of His grace, reflecting His character to the world. 

We are called to shine both by emitting and reflecting God’s light. 

When Jesus was born, His star shone brightly, guiding the wise men to Him (Matthew 2:2). This reminds us that as stars in God’s kingdom, we are called to lead others to Christ through our light. 


In Genesis 37:9, Joseph had a dream of stars bowing to him, symbolizing his brothers. This illustrates that as God’s children, we are likened to stars, destined to shine in unique and impactful ways. 


Isaiah 60:1-3 reveals that our light comes from the glory of God upon us. This glory enables us to reflect His divine nature. 


Proverbs 20:27 describes the spirit of a man as the lamp of the Lord. When we allow God’s Word and Spirit to fill us, we generate light that shines forth in our actions and words. 


God shines His light upon us through His face. Numbers 6:25 declares, “The Lord make His face shine upon you.” This intimate fellowship empowers us to reflect His light effectively. 


We are called to shine both by emitting and reflecting God’s light. Through the indwelling presence of Christ and the glory of God shining upon us, our lives are meant to illuminate the darkness around us. Let us embrace our identity as stars in God’s kingdom and live in a way that brings glory to His name. 


  Song of Worship  


     Song My Lighthouse by Rend Collective

Prayer -  Lord, thank You for calling me to shine Your light in this world. Help me to emit Your truth and reflect Your glory in all I do. May my life be a beacon that guides others to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 



Bible in 1 year: Exodus 16-18 

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