August 13, 2024
Read Genesis 41:28-30.
Planning is the ability to discern and prepare for the future. How can one perceive God’s direction for their life and properly position themselves to receive His blessings? One of the ways we can change a season is via planning. To plan any future, we must discern what God is telling us.
In the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-4), the crowd was too large, and Zacchaeus was unable to see Jesus. He then discerned where Jesus was passing, ran ahead, and climbed a tree just so he could see Jesus. He knew he was short and was generally disliked because he was a tax collector. There were other trees in sight or on that way, but he made plans and chose a strategic tree. He had to think outside of the box. This is how we must function. We see something similar in Proverbs 6:6-8 – the ant planning for winter in the summer by gathering food and storing.
Planning is the deep engagement of our spiritual and mental faculties in shaping the future. Since we have the mind of Christ – we need to engage our faculty in this manner! Thinking is hard work, but it must be done because it yields many benefits.
In 2 Chronicles 28:12; David gave Solomon the plans that the Spirit had put in his mind for the courts of the temple of the Lord. He received these plans from God because he was locked into the source. He engaged all his spiritual and mental faculties and was rewarded with a masterpiece.
Planning is the deep engagement of our spiritual and mental faculties in shaping the future.
Planning involves designing a roadmap. In Genesis 41:33-36, Joseph designed a roadmap to help Pharoah navigate the future. He told the Egyptians what to do and how to do it. To design our roadmaps, we need to reason, read, and research. There is no need to reinvent the wheel—learn from people who have done it previously, so you can accomplish it in less time.
Planning is the advice that we give ourselves so we can arrive at a better future. We must make plans for our future. If you want to retire at 60, you must plan ahead consciously. Genesis 41:37 says ‘’the advice was good in the eyes of Pharaoh…’’. What advice are we following? Let us strive to not live a planless life.
Engage your faculties in planning for a better future for ourselves with the help of the Holy Spirit and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Song of Worship
I know you hear me, Lord.
Your plans are for me.
Goodness, you have in store…
Song Thy Will by Hillary Scott
Prayer - Father God, help us to plan appropriately, putting you in the centre of our plans. Help us to engage our spiritual and mental faculties, so that every plan has a stamp of approval from you. This we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Bible in 1 year: Psalms 89-90; Romans 14