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Saved by Grace, Called to Praise


April 9, 2024

That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore. And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant. - Exodus 14:30-31 

Praising God is not merely an obligation; it is a privilege and a profound expression of our relationship with Him. In every circumstance, whether in times of joy or in moments of hardship, praising God is both an act of faith and a declaration of His sovereignty.  

In Exodus 14:30, we witness the culmination of God's miraculous deliverance of the Israelites from the pursuing Egyptian army at the Red Sea. Having witnessed this incredible display of God's power and protection, the Israelites were filled with awe and gratitude. Their salvation from certain destruction inspired them to break into praise and worship, as recounted in Exodus 15. 

When we reflect on the depths of God's love and mercy displayed through our salvation, it naturally leads us to praise Him with all our hearts.

This passage teaches us a profound lesson about the relationship between salvation and praise. Just as the Israelites praised God for their deliverance, so too should we offer Him praise for our salvation through Jesus Christ. Our salvation is the greatest gift we could ever receive, and it should evoke within us an overflowing heart of thanksgiving and adoration. 

When we reflect on the depths of God's love and mercy displayed through our salvation, it naturally leads us to praise Him with all our hearts. Let us never forget the magnitude of what God has done for us through Christ, and may our lives be continual expressions of Psalm 150:6, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." This verse reminds us that praising God is not limited to specific circumstances or conditions. It is a continual expression of our love and devotion to Him. 

As we go about our day, let us cultivate a habit of praise, offering thanksgiving for His provision, His protection, and His unfailing love. Let our praise be genuine, heartfelt, and overflowing, for our God is worthy of all honor, glory, and praise. May our praises rise as a sweet fragrance before His throne, bringing glory and honor to His name forevermore. 

Song of Worship  

Let everything that has breath 

Praise the Lord 

And let the Living proclaim 

Let everything that has breath 

Praise the Lord 

Prayer - Heavenly Father, today, we lift our voices in praise to You, our Savior and King. May our songs of worship rise like incense before Your throne, bringing joy to Your heart and glory to Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Bible in 1 year: 1 Samuel 17-18; Luke 11


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