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Seeing Beyond the Surface: Embracing Our Spiritual Vision

Today, we delve into the profound understanding of how humanity was originally designed to perceive the world before the Fall. Through the Spirit of God within us, we can reclaim this divine vision.

Let’s journey back to the beginning.

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In the very beginning, God created man in His image and likeness. To be made in someone’s likeness means to share a resemblance and essence. One fundamental aspect of this likeness is that we are spirit beings, just as God is Spirit.

As God created the earth, His Spirit hovered over the waters, and that same Spirit was breathed into humanity, bringing life (Genesis 2:7).

As we explore Genesis, we see another characteristic of God: His creative vision. “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness” (Genesis 1:3-4 NIV).

This act of seeing reveals that in our spiritual nature, we also possess the ability to perceive beyond the physical realm.

Made to See Spiritually

Consider the moment Eve was created. Adam was in a deep sleep, yet upon awakening, he recognized Eve as “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” How did he know? It was the Spirit of God within him, enabling him to see beyond the physical.

This spiritual insight parallels the experience of Samuel in 1 Samuel 16:6-7 NIV, where God cautions him not to judge by outward appearances but to look at the heart. God’s vision transcends the visible, allowing us to understand deeper truths.

Limitation of Physical Sight

In contrast, Eve’s encounter with the forbidden tree illustrates the limitations of physical sight. She saw that the tree was appealing but failed to perceive the spiritual implications of her choice.

This highlights a critical truth: while our physical eyes are valuable, relying solely on them can lead us astray.

Similarly, the Israelite spies in Numbers 13 focused solely on the physical giants in Canaan, leading to fear instead of faith: “We were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”

This highlights a critical truth: while our physical eyes are valuable, relying solely on them can lead us astray.

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How to Cultivate Spiritual Sight

To cultivate our spiritual insight, we must first embrace the light of God. Just as light illuminates our physical surroundings, it allows us to discern spiritual realities. God declared, “Let there be light,” and saw that it was good. To perceive through God’s lenses, we need His illuminating light.

Faith is essential in this process. Galatians 5:6 AMP reminds us that faith, expressed through love, is what truly matters in Christ. Without faith, we cannot grasp the invisible realities of God’s promises.

Caleb exemplifies this when he views Canaan through the lens of faith. Despite the challenges, he confidently asserts, “Let us go up at once and take possession of it; for we will certainly conquer it” (Numbers 13:30 AMP). He aligned his vision with God’s promise, seeing beyond the physical obstacles.

As believers, we are called to walk by faith, not by sight. Jesus, the light of the world, guides us on our journey. We must not allow the physical realm to dominate our perspective.

Abraham’s story illustrates this beautifully. Despite his old age and childlessness, he believed God’s promise of countless descendants. When God instructed him to count the stars, Abraham’s faith enabled him to envision a future beyond his current reality (Genesis 15:4-6).

We can apply this practice to our own lives. The Bible is rich with God’s promises, providing light for every situation.

Steps to enhance our Spiritual Vision

Here are some practical steps to enhance our spiritual vision:


Visualize God’s Promises: When God speaks, He often paints a vivid picture. Envisioning these promises fosters faith. Abraham looked at the stars, reminding him of God’s assurance (Genesis 13:14-16).

Act in Faith: Dress or prepare as if you’re already walking in your desired future. For instance, if you aspire to be a doctor, dress like one while studying and praying. This act of faith demonstrates your trust in God.

Speak Life: Counter negative reports with the truth of God’s Word. If faced with a troubling diagnosis, declare God’s healing and power over your situation (Proverbs 18:14).

By embracing our spiritual sight, we can navigate life’s challenges with faith and confidence. Let us seek to see through the Spirit, allowing God’s light to guide our path and reveal His glorious plans for us.

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