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Set Apart and Sent Out


April 29, 2024

 You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

 - 1 Peter 2:9, NASB   

From today’s Bible reading we learn that we have been given a very specific assignment to proclaim Christ to a world deep in spiritual darkness and we must share the light of the gospel so people can know God. We are not here to simply exist, but we have been set apart and sent out to impact the world we live in, to stand out in and live lives that reflect the calling of Royal Priests. Our lives must daily reflect the heart of Jesus to those around us (Ephesians 4:1). As Royal Priests, we have certain responsibilities we must live out in fulfilling our calling as priests. 

As Royal Priests we are called to be people of integrity, and it must be reflected in every area of our lives. It is not just about honesty or morality, but being the embodiment of the holiness, and purpose God has called us to. This is the foundation to our witness in the world, whether it is in business, or career, our identity as Royal Priests calls for a different kind of standard of honesty and ethical behaviour (Colossians 3:17). It is living out your calling and impacting everyone around you in business practices and even in the professional world. It is being transparent in your dealings and fair in pricing, marked by honesty in your communications (Leviticus 19:35-36). We must live out our Christian faith in the professional and business world and it must be woven into our conduct. 

We have all been there, when you have circled the parking lot, looking for a parking spot, and when you find one finally, someone just drives in and takes that spot. The initial reaction is to press your horn or if you are brave enough go over and give that person a piece of your mind for taking your parking spot, but as Royal Priests we are committed to living out God’s commands such as loving your neighbour as yourself (Mark 12:30-31), so instead you just move on and look for another parking spot. It is not the easiest thing to do, but when you remember your calling to living out God’s commands, you must decide whether to choose frustration or pride, or joy and humility in your journey to becoming more like Christ. 

Finally, we must have a strong spiritual backbone. In 1 Samuel 17:37 – David said, “The LORD who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine”. David knew that it was not his ability or skill that helped him in the past, but he had a firm faith in who God said He was, and in God’s ability to deliver. Having a strong spiritual backbone requires a strong faith. Just like a good backbone helps you stand straight, faith in God will help strengthen your spiritual backbone as Royal Priests to fulfil all that you are called to be. 

As God’s chosen who have been set apart and sent out, we must adopt a lifestyle that reflects the heart of God. Our lives need to demonstrate what it means to live for His glory. This will not only transform us but will impact and transform the world and people around us. 

Song of Worship  

 Your life’s a book before their eyes,  

They’re reading it through and through 

Say does it point them to the skies, 

Do others see Jesus in you? 

Song: Let Others See Jesus In You by B.B McKinney 

Prayer -  Ask God to set you apart for His glory as you surrender to His purpose for your life; declare that you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and your life declares His praises. So it is, and shall be in Jesus' name Amen 



Bible in 1 year: 1 Kings 10-11; Luke 21


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