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December 11, 2024

" Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised)." 

 - Hebrew 10:23 (KJV) 

A very important area in the Christian faith is prayer and manifestations. Today, we would be looking at what to do between the time of prayers, answers to prayers and manifestation. All over the bible we have seen instances wherein God gave answers to a long-standing issue and thereafter manifestations followed. Our God is a prayer answering God and the moment you call upon Him, he responds as if you are the only one in the world. He is a God that leaves the ninety-nine just to go after the one - you. While waiting for the manifestation to come, stand by. Standing by in Christ is a call to be firm in faith, rooted in His love, and unshaken by the challenges of life. 

In context, when the angel appeared to Abraham in Genesis 18:10 and said Sarah his wife shall have a son, that was a confirmation of an answered prayer after several years of childlessness. However, the birth of Isaac only happened the following year according to the time of life. Another instance was in Mark 5:22-42, when Jairus pleaded and asked Jesus to come lay His hands on the daughter so she can be healed. When that call was made, Jesus went with him as an indication of an answered prayer – Mark 5:24. What more evidence could he had asked, for Jesus to physically walk down with him to his house? An answered prayer indeed!  

The call to stand by is a call to faithfulness, perseverance, obedience, and total dependence on God.

He was persuaded that Jesus had to lay hands on his daughter for the healing to manifest. Jesus responded in like manner according to his persuasion by going along with him to his home. He got an answer to his prayer, but the daughter was still on the sick bed. The manifestation was further delayed when Jesus met the woman with the issue of blood and had to attend to her first. While attending to the woman with the issue of blood, someone delivered the dreaded news of the death of Jairus’ daughter. Remember he got answers to his prayers (with the evidence of Jesus with him), manifestation was delayed, situation got worse, and deadline was missed (death of his daughter). At this point, many would have gone back, stopped serving God or coming to church, and many would have said God did not answer their prayers despite having Jesus right beside them, just like Jairus.  

Despite the discouraging turn of events, Jarius stood by Jesus, held on to Him and resolved in His heart never to let go even in death. Eventually, the manifestation happened, Jesus got to his house, laid hands on the lifeless body of Jairus’ daughter and life was restored to her.  

The call to stand by is a call to faithfulness, perseverance, obedience, and total dependence on God. Have you received a word from God, or a prophecy? It is time to make up your mind to stand by that word irrespective of the present circumstances or events.  

Song of Worship  

 I believe  

Yes, Lord I believe (2ce) 

It is well with me


Prayer - Lord, help us to stand firm in Christ, even when the world tries to pull us away, knowing that in Him we find our true foundation. May we always remember that You are with us, standing by us in every trial, and leading us in every step. 


Bible in 1 year: Hosea 9-11; Revelation 3    

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