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Stay with God

August 5, 2024

Read 1 Samuel 27:1-5  

“But Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back [to the things left behind] is fit for the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62 (AMP) 

Today, we will be looking into the life of David when he was running for his life from Saul. Saul had sought to kill him, and he went to camp in the land of the Philistines, an enemy. Before diving into this, let us review the resume of David before his latest decision in 1 Samuel 27:1-5.


David the Shepherd: David started as a shepherd boy, tending his father Jesse's sheep in Bethlehem (1 Samuel 16:11). A shepherd could be likened to the position of a Pastor overseeing flocks of souls. 

David the Anointed: God instructed the prophet Samuel to anoint David as the future king of Israel, selecting him over his older brothers (1 Samuel 16:1-13).  

In today’s world, David’s name would have been written in gold, established in the Hall of Fame, and probably won a Nobel Prize.

David the Musician: David was brought to King Saul’s court to play the harp and soothe Saul’s troubled spirit (1 Samuel 16:14-23). He was not just a musician but one anointed to play with grace. Demons could not withstand the sound of his voice. 

David the Giant-Slayer: David famously defeated the Philistine giant Goliath with a sling and a stone, proclaiming his faith in the God of Israel (1 Samuel 17). 

David the Military General: After his victory over Goliath, David became a leading military figure, winning many battles against the Philistines (1 Samuel 18:5, 30). 

In today’s world, David’s name would have been written in gold, established in the Hall of Fame, and probably won a Nobel Prize.  

So, how then did he go from demonstrating such pedigree to going into the strange land of the Philistines for safety? The same land he once conquered, the same people once considered enemies of God.  

When the affliction persisted, he caved in and went back to the enemy, the Philistines, for help. Did you notice that Saul stopped pursuing David the moment he took the wrong step by pitching his tent in the camp of God’s enemies (1 Samuel 27:4)? Even though it looked appealing in the beginning, it only ended in premium tears. 

This is a strategy of the devil to present the wicked as flourishing to deceive the ignorant. Like a flame before the wind, it would not stand the test of time. Stay with God! Sin is appealing. The world has nothing to offer. You cannot do business with the devil and not lose. 

Today, reflect on the series of events in the life of David and decide—no matter how thick the persecution is, how fierce the challenge is or how prolonged the battle might seem, you will not go back to the world. You will stay with God! Your victory is here. 

Song of Worship  

I've got my mind made up and I won't turn back 

Because I want to see my Jesus someday 

I've got my mind made up and I won't turn back 

Because I want to see my Jesus someday 

Song Caribbean Medley by Donnie McClurkin 

Prayer - Lord, we ask for Your grace and strength to remain steadfast in our faith, especially during the trials and challenges that come our way. Help us to trust in Your promises and to keep our eyes fixed on You, knowing that You are always with us, guiding and sustaining us. 

Bible in 1 year: Psalms 70-71; Romans 8


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