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Thanksgiving: A Pathway to God's Presence

December 15, 2024

Read Psalm 100:1-5 (NKJV) 

One of the greatest keys to entering the supernatural presence of God is through thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is not merely an act of gratitude, but it unlocks a spiritual dimension where we experience the fullness of God's presence and power. As we explore the mystery of thanksgiving, we discover it has the power to grant us access to God’s supernatural realm and bring transformation in our lives. 


The Bible makes it clear that thanksgiving is the "passcode" to God’s presence. Psalm 100:4 shows us that to enter the gates of God’s supernatural realm, we must come with thanksgiving. When you begin to thank God, the gates of heaven open, and you step into a divine encounter with Him. As Hebrews 12:22-24 reminds us, we have come not just to an earthly assembly, but to the heavenly Mount Zion, where the spiritual and physical meet. 


When you offer thanks, you align yourself with the heavenly realm, joining the church in heaven. The same way Zechariah entered the temple to burn incense in Luke 1 and found himself in the presence of God, we too can experience God’s divine presence through a heart of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving elevates our awareness of the spiritual, reminding us that we are always in the presence of God. 


Another mystery of thanksgiving is its power to bring transformation. When we thank God, we are not just offering empty words. Thanksgiving has the power to change the nature of what we are dealing with, transforming our situations from the ordinary to the extraordinary. 

Thanksgiving is the 'passcode' to God’s presence. 

In 1 Corinthians 11:23-24, Jesus took ordinary bread, gave thanks, and it became His body. Through the act of thanksgiving, He changed the nature of the bread. This illustrates a powerful principle: Thanksgiving can transform the very composition of what we face. Whether it’s a challenge, a struggle, or a burden, giving thanks changes its nature and releases God’s supernatural power to work in the situation. Complaining and murmuring never bring solutions, but thanksgiving unlocks heaven’s resources. 


For anyone desiring to live a life empowered by the Spirit, thanksgiving is essential. A lifestyle of thanksgiving keeps you connected to the flow of God’s grace, presence, and power. As we read in Psalm 95:2, “Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving.” When we live a life of gratitude we remain in God’s presence and allow Him to direct our lives. 


In the natural realm, it’s easy to focus on what we lack or what is not going right. But in the spiritual realm, thanksgiving shifts our perspective to see God’s hand at work, even in difficult circumstances. The act of thanksgiving aligns our hearts with God’s will and His purposes for us, ensuring that we are positioned to receive His blessings. 


Thanksgiving is also an act of faith. When we thank God, we acknowledge His sovereignty and trust in His goodness, even when we may not see the outcome yet. It takes faith to thank God in advance for what He is about to do, and that kind of faith pleases God. 


Thanksgiving is more than just an expression of gratitude: it is a mystery that grants us access to God’s supernatural realm, transforms situations, sustains a life in the Spirit, and activates our faith. As you walk in thanksgiving, the gates of heaven will open, allowing you to experience God’s presence in new and powerful ways. 

Song of Worship  

Give Thanks; Song by Don Moen


Prayer - May you and I be people of thanksgiving, unlocking the supernatural in our lives and experiencing the fullness of God’s power and presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 


Bible in 1 year: Amos 4-6; Revelation 7 

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