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The Demonstration of Dominion—Declare God’s Word

July 25, 2024

"Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”   

 - Genesis 1:26 

In the last two days, we have been looking at some principles of demonstrating dominion in our Christian life. Most importantly, we learned from our main text that dominion is part of our DNA—ingrained in us from the time of creation.  

But we also learned the need to work out that dominion in our lives through the transformation of our minds, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in prayer.  

Today we will take it a step further by looking at a third principle—speaking God’s word over our lives.  

The power of life and death lies in the power of the tongue - Proverbs 18:21. Unspoken doubts lack power. But when we give voice to them, they take on power.  

Silence doubt by speaking and declaring the promises of God’s truth. In Joshua 6:1-27, God instructed the Israelites to march around the impenetrable walls of Jericho in silence for six days, until their doubts about taking over the city was silenced, and on the seventh day He instructed them to march seven times and shout! 

Their shouting was not just noise but was a declaration of the promise that God made to give them that city. In other words, to give them DOMINION. 

If you are facing any wall, there are really only two options for you as a believer wanting to apply this principle. Either you speak and declare God’s word with boldness, or you say nothing until faith rises within you.  

Don't let your words stop you from enjoying dominion. Speak the Word in faith or remain silent until you can! 

Is there any area where you feel powerless or not in control, turn to God in prayer and declare scripture over your life and situations. Reaffirm all of God’s promises and step into the fullness of the dominion God intended for you today. 

Song of Worship  

I speak life 

Song: “I speak Life” by Donal Lawrence 

Prayer -We boldly declare all of God’s promises over our lives. We speak the life and truth of God over our circumstances. Empower us by The Holy Spirit to exercise dominion in every area of our lives, in Jesus Mighty Name we pray. So, it is and so shall it be in Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen 

Bible in 1 year: Psalms 40-42; Acts 27


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