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The Fruits of Testimonies: How the testimonies of others can help you get a breakthrough


Today, we are going to discuss what happens when we experience testimonies, share them and hear them, and how to provoke our own.


What is a Testimony?

First let’s get into the meaning of a testimony. When we look at Mark 5:19-20, we see Jesus tell the man he had healed to stay in his region even though the man wanted to follow Jesus.

Jesus could’ve let the man come along with him, but he gave him the assignment to spread his good news all around the region of Decapolis (ten cities). In other words, the man's "assignment" was to share the good news to ten cities - his testimony.

A testimony is simply reporting to others the work of God. It is an opportunity for others to hear about the works of God, and bring honor to His name.

Testifying then is the act of sharing/promoting something with the purpose of it to be known by many. And when a thing is known by many it becomes famous. When a testimony is positive, it produces a good reputation to the source of the news. In short, it brings honor to God when we testify of His good works.

A testimony is simply reporting to others the work of God. It is an opportunity for others to hear about the works of God, and bring honor to His name (John 9:10-11).


 Photo by Matheus Bertelli on

Now let’s discuss the effects of testimonies we can see in the Bible.

Fruits of Testimonies #1: Revival of The Spirit

When we hear a testimony, especially ones that relate to our situations, there is a revival of our spirit. It brings hope to our situations. Our spirit is revived because our hope is rejuvenated. In Genesis 45:27, Joseph’s brothers tell his father Jacob of Joseph’s testimonies (good news) and “the spirit of their father Jacob revived”.

 Photo by Miguel Tejada on

This is important to note because “Hope is the anchor of the soul”. When we lose hope, we lose our soul and when we lose our soul, we lose our spirit. In Proverbs 18:14 it says, “A healthy spirit conquers adversity, but what can you do when the spirit is crushed?”

A healthy spirit conquers adversity, but what can you do when the spirit is crushed? Prov 18:14

It is better to have a broken bone than a broken spirit because a broken bone may heal, but with a strong spirit there is greater healing. Evidence to this can be found in a study of patients who are told walking again is impossible. But because of the strength of their spirit they have an innate determination to walk again. They are strengthened by their spirit that even though it is a painful process, and their body is weakened, they have the perseverance to keep working with a trainer to rehabilitate their nerves and miraculously heal despite their doctor’s report.

It is better to have a broken bone than a broken spirit because a broken bone may heal, but with a strong spirit there is greater healing.

This is why God gives us good news to testify. Our testimonies are designed to bring us hope.

Fruit of Testimonies #2: Reverence for God

The second effect is the falling into reverence for God. To be in reverence is to be in awe. Naturally this creates in us an abundance of gratitude. Let’s look at the power and importance of gratitude.

If you look at the lives of individuals who are grateful and the ones who are not you will see a big difference in their attitude and overall life. Someone who has little gratitude is unable to see the goodness in their lives... their hearts harden and, as a result, the good things in their life fade away.

Gratitude is a powerful tool that maintains the goodness in our lives and allows us to show up in humility before God. When we are humble (grateful), we can allow for the natural flow of reverence for God for who He is and what He has done.

I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the LORD”. Psa 116:17

When listening to a testimony, it is easy to think "well that is not my testimony" and so separate yourself from it. But when we look at Romans 12:15 it urges us to “rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn”. We can also see the fruitfulness of this pattern of engaging with others’ testimonies in Luke 15:4-6, where Mary hears the testimony of Elizabeth and celebrates with her as if it were her own. And as a result, Elizabeth bore John the Baptist and Mary bore Jesus Christ.


Fruit of Testimonies #3: Revelation from God

Testimonies lead us to is our own revelation - hearing the word of God being revealed to us through testimonies, creating the opportunity for us to encounter our own. This is why it is important to engage in the testimony of others and to listen carefully to the word of God (God’s promises) and the works of God.


Now, what do we do after we have listened to testimonies? We take the word of God (the testimonies we have heard, relating to our situation) to Jesus Christ in prayer. Remember that God is not a partial god (Romans 2:11, Acts 15:8-9). He does not play favourites. God can do what He has done for others, for you.

Speak to Jesus and pray to him about the things you need a change in that you heard was done for others. This is how we can make the most of testimonies.


Quick summary of the process in receiving testimonies

 1)    When you hear a testimony pay attention (allowing for the revival of your spirit)

2)    Give thanks (engage in rejoicing with the sharer)

3)    Have your own encounter with God (take it to Jesus)


 Listen to the full message here


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