December 8, 2024
"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
- Romans 10: 17 (NKJV)
Faith is confident conviction which comes by the continuous hearing of the word of God. Hearing, according to the scripture, is not a one-off thing. It must be continuous and uninterrupted.
You could be hearing (listening to) the word of God when you are doing even the most mundane chores like driving, cooking, cleaning etc. Technology has advanced enough to make this possible, so take advantage of it.
In Romans 4:17, we learn that the scripture came to Abraham, and he heard it. But he also had to believe it. If we don’t believe what we are reading in the word of God, there is no way we can get results – Hebrews 4:2.
The word has many formats – it can be written, it can come audibly, or via visions or even testimonies. It is still the word of God and can be believed. In Genesis 15:1, the word of God came to Abraham in a vision. In verses 4-6 of the same chapter, the word of God came to him audibly. The word of God painted a vision to Abraham of his testimony – it showed him his testimony before he even got it.
Faith is to accept what we have heard from God’s word as true, to be sure it is true and to trust
Faith comes by the word, and more than just hearing the word, it is allowing the word to paint a picture. When an image is formed in our minds from the word, then we know that the word of God has really taken root. If we want a scripture to come alive, we must see what God is saying.
For example, if we are praying for healing, we must be able to visualise ourselves healed. We may take it further by visualising ourselves doing things that require full health – we may visualise ourselves running a marathon or walking long distances to spread the gospel of Christ or going to the gym and so on. That was what God did for Abraham – he painted a picture of his future for him, and it became easier for him to believe. It is always easier to believe something we can see.
Faith is to accept what we have heard from God’s word as true, to be sure it is true and to trust. May we see ourselves in the Scripture, and may we truly believe and trust what God is showing us, that we may build our faith and see its manifestation in the name of Jesus.
Song of Worship
Trust and obey
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But to trust and obey
Trust and Obey song by John H. Sammis.
Prayer - Our Heavenly Father, we are grateful for Your endless love and the guidance You provide through Your Word. As we strive to deepen our faith, we ask for Your help in making Your truths a constant part of our daily lives. Strengthen our resolve to listen attentively to Your voice, even amid our routine activities. Let Your promises take root in our hearts, so that we may walk in unwavering trust and experience the fulfilment of Your promises. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.