September 04, 2024
“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!”
- Romans 11:33 (KJV)
God’s wisdom is beyond human comprehension. In moments where it seems like there is no way out, God’s wisdom shines the brightest, turning situations around in ways that defy human logic and expectation.
In Exodus 18, Moses recounts to his father-in-law Jethro the mighty acts of God. He highlights how God’s wisdom surpassed that of the Egyptian gods. What seemed like an inescapable situation for the Israelites became a display of God's superior wisdom and power. The plagues and the parting of the Red Sea were not just acts of power but also, they are the demonstrations of God's unsearchable wisdom. Where the Egyptian gods and magicians were powerless, God made a way.
When faced with seemingly impossible situations, remember that God's wisdom is greater than any problem. Trust that He can and will make a way.
God’s wisdom is beyond human comprehension.
In the very things wherein the Egyptians took pride, God proved Himself superior. Similarly, in the greatest plot of the devil—using death to conquer mankind—God used that same death to bring about salvation and victory. The devil thought he had won by orchestrating the crucifixion of Jesus. Yet, it was through this very act that God achieved the ultimate victory over sin, death, and the devil.
God’s ways are often beyond our understanding. He uses the unexpected to accomplish His purposes, showing that His wisdom is indeed unsearchable. As Christians, we can be confident in the victory that God has provided through Jesus Christ. This confidence is rooted in the understanding that God's wisdom is unsearchable and always at work for our good.
Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we have been set free from the power of sin. We should no longer be slaves to sin because God’s wisdom provided a way of escape. Death has lost its sting because Jesus conquered the grave. We have the hope of eternal life, knowing that death is not the end. The enemy is a defeated foe. God’s wisdom ensured that through Jesus' death and resurrection, the devil's power was broken.
God’s wisdom is beyond our understanding, yet it is always at work for our benefit. Just as He turned the crucifixion into the greatest victory, He can turn our trials into triumphs. Let us rest in His unsearchable wisdom, confident that He is always in control.
Song of Worship
I will rise
Song by Chris Tomlin
Prayer - Heavenly Father, thank You for the victory we have through Jesus Christ. Thank You for the hope and assurance that the resurrection brings. Help us to live in the power of this victory every day, trusting that no matter the situation, You have the final word. Strengthen our faith and boldness to share the good news of Jesus’ resurrection with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.