July 27, 2024
So, God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Genesis 1:27 NKJV
The creation of the earth was truly an amazing feat. It was a display of the majesty of God. An unrestrained display of wisdom, intellect and expertise. On the sixth day of creation, God looked at all He had made and yes, He confirmed it was a job well done (Gen1:31). The interesting thing here is when God says a job is done well, it truly is. There is no one greater than Him, no one to compare or measure Him with, so no one would have done a better job.
To fully understand the scope of work that went into the creation of the earth, you need to look through Job 38:4-7 which describes the thought process, the detailed measurements, and the finesse in execution. At the end of that reading, you will notice that angels praised God and shouted for joy as the wonders of creation unfolded.
Let’s take a journey to the beginning. What joy it must have been on the first day of creation! The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. Not for long! Then there came a Word from God… ‘’Let there be light’’. The jubilation was indescribable, joy in its purest elements. If God had stopped here, it would still have been enough. The strength of the angels to praise and worship God was unquenching, unwavering and increasing in intensity.
As if that was not enough, God continued His wonders, demonstrated His expertise in creating the firmaments (the sky) and the waters on the second day. He went on to create the land, sea and vegetation on the third day, sun, moon and stars on the fourth, sea creatures and birds on day five. On the sixth day, he made the land animals, and all the angels could not contain their joy. He never rested until He made the final masterpiece in His own image, an exact replica on Himself. He made You. God made sure everything you will ever need is available before you showed up.
Just like the series of events that had to happen before you were made, God is taking you through a series, a life journey to make you perfect in every good work. Every event you have gone through in life irrespective of the outcome is equipping you to emerge as the champion. God did not create a loser, a failure, or someone mediocre. You were made in the same image and likeness of God.
While that work is still at the infancy stage, rejoice in Him, for you will surely bloom. Like the angels, for every stage of life you find yourself, ensure you praise and worship God knowing fully well an unveiling is on the way. In 1 Samuel 17: 34-36, David did not know a day would come when he would be faced with a Goliath, but while he was faced with lions, and bears, he was building faith and ability, and an assurance that God was faithful. Beloved, every situation is for your good as long as you remain in Him. Rejoice, you have overcome!
Song of Worship
Jesus, you are enough
Jesus, you are enough for me
With nothing, I still have everything
Jesus, you are enough for me
Song Enough by Elias Dummer
Prayer -Lord, I acknowledge You as the master planner of my life. I bow in awe at the wonders of Your creations. I acknowledge that the plans You have for my life is for good. Therefore, I boldly declare that my path, my life and the works of my hand will continue to shine unto the perfect day
Bible in 1 year: Psalms 46-48; Acts 28