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Winning with the Word

January 14, 2025

"But the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away.” 

- Luke 8:13 (NKJV) 


A key characteristic of anyone who triumphs through faith is an unwavering commitment to the Word of God. 

Hebrews 4:2 reminds us that the revealed Word requires us to cooperate with God through faith to experience any degree of fruitfulness. Spiritual victory demands complete alignment with the written Word and a refusal to self-sabotage or let circumstances overshadow its potency in our hearts.


In the parable of the sower found in Luke 8, Jesus illustrates the different ways the Word can be received, highlighting why some fail to benefit from it. 

The first challenge is confiscation. This occurs when the received Word is stolen before it takes root. Often, we may feel stranded because we have lost the Word that was once sown in our hearts. In Matthew 13:19, Jesus explains how the enemy can successfully steal the Word when we do not give it proper attention or understanding. This underscores the importance of wisdom and understanding, as highlighted in James 1:5. Winners are those who consistently engage with God for clarity on how to apply His Word and make it fruitful in their lives. 

Winning requires a consistent belief that the Word of God will bear fruit in due season.

Another challenge is contradiction. Holding on to the Word of God will often attract trials and opposition. Our commitment to the Word will be tested, and contradictory experiences, such as persecution or temptation, often follow the revelation of God’s promises – Luke 8:13. What distinguishes winners is their ability to withstand temporary troubles without shaking their faith. Instead, they cultivate spiritual depth through meditation (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 119:27) and prayer (Jude 1:20), fortifying their hearts to endure challenges and resist life’s distractions. 

The enemy’s ultimate goal in both cases is to ensure that the Word of God is no longer prioritized in the believer's heart. 


Today, reflect on whether you have allowed the Word to be confiscated or undermined by contradictions. Ask for wisdom to understand, strength to endure, and grace to remain steadfast. Remember, winning requires a consistent belief that the Word of God will bear fruit in due season. 


  Song of Worship 

   Ancient word, ever true 

Changing me and changing you 

We have come with open heart 

Oh, let the ancient word impart 

Prayer -  Lord, thank you for your revealed word. Help me to honour it enough to pay attention to it and prioritise it above all the contradictions that may come my way till it bears fruit. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 



Bible in 1 year: Genesis 33-35; Matthew 10

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