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How to Activate Dominion and The Blessing of God

You are made in God’s image! I know you might have heard that before, but have you ever stopped to think about what it means? Better yet, have you thought about how it should affect your experience of life?

One of the amazing things about God creating mankind in His (God’s) image is He gave man a mandate to express God’s very nature on Earth.

One part of that nature and mandate is to have dominion; to be fruitful, to multiply, to subdue the earth and to rule over all of God’s creation. How did God do this? By blessing mankind. Genesis 1:28 reads:

“Then God blessed them, and God said to them be fruitful and multiply…“

The first and very important step is to understand that you—yes you—as a child of God is meant to live a life of victory and dominion. The next step is to understand one of the most important vehicles God uses to effect this power in our lives—his Blessing.

God designed man to run on His blessing.

Just as there are plaques that commemorate the commissioning of projects and are seen as part of the projects themselves, so also man, created in the image of God is commissioned through the blessing of God to have dominion.

The first and very important step is to understand that you—yes you—as a child of God is meant to live a life of victory and dominion.

In other words, the blessing is part of man and is necessary for the functioning of the man. Embedded therefore within the mandate of God’s instruction to the man to have dominion is the revelation of the Blessing (of God) Genesis 1:28.

Decoding the blessings of God—what does dominion look like?

God’s Blessings are recognizable. Below are 2 key evidences of God’s blessing. These are also, as we now know, marks of living a life of dominion.

God’s Blessings drive Purpose and Destiny

The Blessing of God upon man contains within it codes, secrets and mysteries that enable a man exercise dominion, fulfill purpose and accomplish destiny.

In Genesis 49:10, Jacob blessed Judah saying

“The scepter will not depart from Judah nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his”.

Jesus in Revelations 5:5 is referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

What about you? Are you currently living a life driven by purpose? Do you have a blessing from God over your life promising dominion in the pursuit of a destiny or purpose? If not, don’t fret! Later int his article, you’ll see how to provoke the blessing.

But first, let’s look at another way the blessings of God manifest in our lives.

God’s Blessings bring Wealth and Riches.

Abraham’s Chief Servant when addressing Laban spoke of his master Abraham, in Genesis 24:35

The Lord has blessed my master greatly, and he has become great; and He has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, male and female servants, and camels and donkeys”

For the blessings of God to manifest in our lives, we must find something to do wherein our dominion will be made evident because the Blessing expresses itself via work

Wealth—material abundance is a by-product of the blessing of God. It is a part of God’s promise to his children. The fact that you may be going through a season where this may not be your experience does not make this any less true.

If this is the case, you might be happy to learn that you can provoke the manifestation of God’s blessings.

Provoking God’s Blessings—The Power of Prayer and Desire

When it appears like the Blessings of God are not manifesting, we can provoke the Blessings of God through prayer.

1st Chronicles 4:10 records that “Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless…”.

And indeed, God blessed him.

The picture painted here is one of a man who had great passion and desire to be blessed by God. Another example of this passion was Jacob.

In Genesis 32:24-28, Jacob wrestled all night with God and would not let Him go until He blessed him. In verse 28, it says Jacob’s name was changed to Israel, a prince who has power with God and with men and has prevailed.

Receiving God’s Blessings

For the blessings of God to manifest in our lives, we must find something to do wherein our dominion will be made evident because the Blessing expresses itself via work (Genesis 2:15). It is through work that multiplication and fruitfulness are made possible. We must then perform that work with a consciousness of the blessings.

In receiving God’s Blessings, we must make sure that we have the right attitude else we run the risk of losing it. Isaac did all he could to make Esau get the blessing in Genesis 27, but in the end, he lost out to Jacob.

Ultimately, Trust in God

God is the one who ultimately blesses. In Number 6:22-27, God shows Himself as being desirous to bless His children. As children of God according to 2 Corinthians 5:17, we are entitled to God’s blessings. Just as man was newly created in Genesis 1:27 and was blessed in Genesis 1:28, when we come to Christ, we are made new creations and are automatic beneficiaries of the blessings of God.

So take hold of this promise through hot desire and fervent prayer, and begin to see God move in and around you to bring the blessing into manifestation in your life.

You can read this post to learn how to hear instructions from God.

May the Blessings of God rest upon us and empower us to fulfill our God given purpose and destiny in dominion in Jesus' name, Amen!

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