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Living As Royal Priests


April 30, 2024

 You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

 - 1 Peter 2:9, NASB   

The call to live as Royal Priests is not just about the title or position, we are called to, but it is about our identity in Christ. This identity calls us to a life of purpose. When you stand before God, titles and positions will not matter. These you cannot take with you beyond the grave. What will matter is how well aligned you were with the identity God called you to and the recognizing the privilege of this calling.  

Imagine being invited to the most exclusive event of the century. How would you feel about that? Being chosen by God is like getting that invite, only, this time it is an invitation to a life of purpose. Living as Royal Priests is about choosing to see ourselves through the eyes of God, and letting it transform how we see ourselves in return. Let’s delve into the essence of living as Royal Priests. 

Our identity as “a chosen people” signifies that we are not just selected, but we are valued and seen.  Being chosen by God is knowing that every time, He will pick you, not because of any special skill you might have, but because He loves you. As a Royal Priest you are chosen, loved and seen not for what you do but for who you are in God’s eyes. 

Our identity as “a royal priesthood” also means that we are called to be worshippers. This is not about being on the worship team and singing worship songs, but it is about living in a way that honors God. When you choose integrity, that is worship. The way you treat others, that is worship.

As Royal Priests our lives should look different, and everything we do must bring honor back to God. Priests in the Bible were often seen as mediators or a bridge between God and His people. Likewise, we must be that bridge for others to encounter God and transform the world around us. 

Our identity as “A holy nation” means we are set apart to advance the Kingdom of God on the earth by proclaiming Christ to a world of darkness. As citizens of God’s holy nation, everything about us should be different. Deuteronomy 7:6 says, “For you are a people holy to the LORD your God”. Being a holy nation means that our communities are different, because of us. More than just a status to claim, it is a call to arise and live as people who indeed belong to God’s holy nation, in word and in deed, transforming the world around us with the power of the Gospel. 

Our identity as “God’s special possession” means The Lord treasures us as His very own and we are His (Isaiah 43:1 – I have summoned you by name, you are mine!”. If you had a sign on your head it would read “God’s property”. We belong to God, and contrary to science, we are not nature’s accidents, everything about us has been thought of and purposefully planned even before we were formed (Ephesians 2:10). We are God’s property cherished, empowered, fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and sent forth. 

Our identity as “The Called” means we have been called out of darkness by name and delivered from sin and death, but it doesn’t end there, we have also been called into the light and invited to walk in fellowship with Christ and other believers! Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV). 

There is transformative power available to us as Christians when we embrace our identity based on 1 Peter 2:9. It changes everything about how we live our lives. Today decide to live in a way that truly reflects your identity in Christ, remember you have been set apart and sent forth. 

Song of Worship  

 We are a chosen generation, called forth to show His excellence 

All I require for life, God has given me, I know who I am 

Song: I Know Who I Am by Sinach 

Prayer -  We commit and rededicate ourselves to you afresh this day, strengthen and enable us to live out the purpose for which you have called us to. Use us Lord for Your glory. So it is, and so shall it be in Jesus' name Amen 



Bible in 1 year: 1 Kings 12-13


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